After the movie.
Beautiful morning.
My daily cookie quota.
New tie.
How can something so beautiful be evil too?
It was bound to happen eventually. The first real snow of the season.
Haircut with my pops
The gang is back.
Look at that regal posture!
Randy wants to come to NYC with me.
The new desk and setup
He likes napping under my monitor too…
It’s here!!!
Randy likes to nap on the cable box for some reason
Slacking off on the job
Season tickets arrived! (small Randy cameo)
Coming alone nicely…
“What’s this work thing you keep talking about?”
Fast asleep…
The view
My @tonxcoffee is here!!
Fruitiest drink evaaaaaar.
Oh hell yes.
New shirt from @sensibleworld came today! Woot!
Woot!!!!! It’s all here!
Look what just came in the mail!
Homemade burger
Sriracha Chicken Fried Rice!!
Thanks @elliotjaystocks!
Look what I got in the mail! Thanks @imyke :)
What’s going on here?!
Oh yes!
I did it!
Ready for this road trip!!
Sunday’s are great.
Look what I got in the mail from @brentgalloway! #StayTrue
Well this is exciting too…
Well this is exciting…
Love the new tie!
It’s here!!
New mug added to the collection
Doing type sizing tests for #Lustramag
New beanie! So warm!
Yay! My @execute book is here! Thanks @drewwilson & @joshlong!
My first comedy club!
French toast!
Marshmallow breads!!
The bow-tie is back!!
Hot cocoa!